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Travel birds
South Africa 2016
Dideric cuckoo (chrysococcyx capricus) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Black-headed heron (ardea melanocaphala) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Long-tailed widowbird (euplectes progne) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Squacco heron (ardeola ralloides) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
African darter (anhinga rufa) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
African darter (anhinga rufa) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
African stonechat (saxicola torquatus) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Long-tailed widowbird (euplectes progne) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Purple heron (ardea purpurea) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Cape shoveler (anas smithii) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Yellow-billed duck (anas undulata) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Three-banded plover (charadrius tricollaris) Marivale Bird Sanctuary
Grey go-away-bird (corythaixoides concolor) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Fork-tailed drongo (dicrurus adsimilis) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Lizard buzzard (kaupifalco monogrammicus) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Marico flycatcher (bradornis mariquensis) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
White-winged widowbird (euplectes albonotatus) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Rufous-naped lark (mirafra africana) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Burchell´s starling (lamprotornis australis) Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
Black-shouldered kite (elanus caeruleus) Polokwane
Black-shouldered kite (elanus caeruleus) Polokwane
Black-shouldered kite (elanus caeruleus) Polokwane
Black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax) Polokwane bird sanctuary
White-fronted bee-eater (merops albicollis) Polokwane bird sanctuary
Wood sandpipers (tringa glareola) and three-banded plover (charadrius tricollaris) , Polokwane bird sanctuary
White-fronted bee-eater (merops albicollis) Polokwane bird sanctuary
African sacred ibis (threskiornis aethiopicus) White-fronted bee-eater (merops albicollis) Polokwane bird sanctuary
White-backed vulture (gyps africanus), on the way to Vivo
Long-billed crombec (sylvietta refescens) Unzwa Safaris
Long-tailed paradise whydah (vidua paradisaea) Unzwa Safaris
African grey hornbill (tockus nasutus) Unzwa Safaris
Red-headed finch (amadina eruythrocephala), Vivo
Southern grey-headed sparrow (passer diffusus), Vivo
Pale chanting goshawk (melierax canorus) red dirt road outside Vivo
Marico flycatcher (bradornis mariquensis), Vivo
African jacana (actophilornis africanus) Muirhead Dam
African jacana (actophilornis africanus) Muirhead Dam
Green-backed heron (butorides striata) Muirhead Dam
African pygmy goose (nettapus auritus) Muirhead Dam
Half-collared kingfisher (alcedo semitorquata) Luvuvhe river
African pygmy kingfisher (ispidina picta), Luvuvhe river
Scaly-throated honeyguide (indicator variegatus), Entabene
Bronze mannikin (spermestes cucullatus)
Red-faced cisticola (cisticola eryhrops)
Yellow bishop (euplectes capensis)
Knob-billed duck (sarkidiornis melanotos), Geese dam
Allen´s gallinule juvenile (porphyrio alleni), Geese dam
Allen´s gallinule (porphyrio alleni) Geese dam
African pygmy goose (nettapus auritus) Geese dam
Lesser moorhen (gallinula angulata) Geese dam
Southern red-billed hornbill (tockus rufirostris) Kruger National park
Black-backed puffback (dryoscopus cubla) Punda Maria, Kruger National park
Fiery-necked nightjar (caprimulgus pectoralis) Punda Maria, Kruger National park
Fiery-necked nightjar (caprimulgus pectoralis) Punda Maria, Kruger National park
Western cattle egret (bubulcus ibis), Kruger National park,
Black-crowned tchagra (atchagra senegalus) Kruger National park
Lilac-breasted roller (coracias caudatus) Kruger National park
Grey-headed kingfisher (halcyon leucocephala) Kruger National park
Woolly-necked stork (ciconia episcopus) Kruger National park
European roller (coracias garrulus) Kruger National park
Yellow-billed kite (Milvus parasitus) Kruger National park
Lesser honeyguide (indicator minor) Kruger National park
Green wood-hoopoe (phoeniculus purpureus) Kruger National Park
Green wood-hoopoe (phoeniculus purpureus) Kruger National Park
White-crowned lapwing (vanellus albiceps) Kruger National Park
Wire-tailed swallow (hirundo smithii), Kruger National Park
Meve´s starling (lamprotornis mevesii) Kruger National park
Bearded woodpecker (dendropicos namaquus), Kruger National park
White-fronted bee-eater (merops albicollis), Kruger National Park
Natal spurfowl (pternistis natalensis), Kruger National Park
Cape turtle dove (streptopelia capicola) Kruger National Park
Emerald-spotted wood dove (turtur chaicospilos) Kruger National Park
Goliath heron (ardea goliath) Kruger National Park
Great egret (ardea alba) Kruger National Park
African fish eagle (haliaeetus vocifer) Kruger National Park
African fish eagle (haliaeetus vocifer) Kruger National Park
White-fronted bee-eater (merops albicollis), Kruger National Park
Golden-tailed woodpecker (campethera abingoni) Kruger National Park
Hamerkop (scopus umbretta), Kruger National Park
Steppe buzzard (buteo vulpinus) Kruger National Park
European roller (coracias garrulus) Kruger National park
Southern black flycatcher (Melaenornis pammelaina) Kruger National Park
Bateleur (terathopius ecaudatus) at sunrise, Kruger National Park
African hawk eagle (aquila spilogaster), Kruger National Park
Bearded woodpecker (dendropicos namaquus), Kruger National park
African hoopoe (upupa africana), Kruger National park
Broad-billed roller (Eurystomus glaucurus), Kruger National park
Dark-capped bulbul (pycnonotus tricolor), Kruger National park
Bearded scrub robin (cercotrichas quadrivirgata), Kruger National park
Mountain wagtail (Motacilla clara), Debengeni Water Falls, Magoebaskloof
Mountain wagtail (Motacilla clara), Debengeni Water Falls Magoebaskloof
Knysna turaco (tauraco corythaix), Magoebaskloof
Yellow-throated woodland warbler (phylloscopus ruficapilla), Magoebaskloof. A hard bird to see and even harder to take a photo of.
Yellow-streaked greenbul(phyllastrephus flavostriatus) Magoebaskloof
Little bittern (Ixobraychus minitus), Hoedspruit. We found it in a very little park in the middle of the town!!!!
Grey go-away-bird (corythaixoides concolor) , Tschukudu Game lodge
Yellow-billed stork (mycteria ibis), Tschukudu Game lodge
African spoonbill (platalea alba) and Yellow-billed stork (mycteria ibis), Tschukudu Game lodge
Yellow-billed stork (mycteria ibis), Tschukudu Game lodge
African spoonbill (platalea alba), Tschukudu Game lodge
Southern yellow-billed hornbill (tockus leucomelas), Tschukudu Game lodge
Water thick-knee (burhinus vermicalatus), Tschukudu Game lodge
Little bee-eater (merops pusillus), Tschukudu Game lodge
European bee-eater (merops apiaster), Tschukudu Game lodge
Reed cormorant (phalacrocorax africanus), Tschukudu Game lodge
Cape glossy starling (lamprotornis nitens), Tschukudu Game lodge
Brown snake eagle (circaetus cinereus), Tschukudu Game lodge
Pied kingfisher (ceryle rudis), Tschukudu Game lodge
Pied kingfisher (ceryle rudis), Tschukudu Game lodge
African fish eagle (haliaeetus vocifer), Tschukudu Game lodge
Woodland kingfisher (halcyon senegalensis), Tschukudu Game lodge
African pied wagtail (motacilla aguimp), Olifant river boat trip
Blue-cheeked bee-eater (merops persicus), Olifant river boat trip
Squacco heron (adreola ralloides), Olifant river boat trip
Malachite kingfisher (alcedo cristata), Olifant river boat trip
Purple heron (ardea purpurea), Olifant river boat trip
Purple heron (ardea purpurea), Olifant river boat trip
Blacksmith lapwing (venellus amratus) and Water thick-knee (burhinus vermicalatus), Olifant river boat trip
European bee-eater (merops apiaster), Olifant river boat trip
Crested francolin (dendroperdix sephaena), Mopaya Safari lodge
Southern yellow-billed hornbill (tockus leucomelas), Mopaya Safari lodge
Helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris), Mopaya Safari lodge
Purple indigobird (vidua purpurascens), Mopaya Safari lodge
Stierling´s wren-warbler (calamonastes stierlingi), Mopaya Safari lodge
Grey tit-flycatcher (myioparus plumbeus), Mopaya Safari lodge
Brown-hooded kingfisher (halcyon albiventris), Kruger National park
Chinspot batis (batis molitor), Kruger National park
Long-billed crombec (sylvietta refescens), Kruger National park
Southern ground hornbill (bucorvus leadbeateri), Kruger National park
Southern ground hornbill (bucorvus leadbeateri), Kruger National park
Arrow-marked babbler (turdoides jardineii), Kruger National park
African mourning dove (streptopelia decipiens), Kruger National park
Double-banded sandgrouse (pterocles bicinctus), Kruger National park
Chicken crested francolin, dendroperdix sephaena), Kruger National park
Common ostrich (struthio camelus), Kruger National park
Lappet-faced vulture (torgos tracheliotus), Kruger National park
Magpie shike (corvinella melanoleuca), Kruger National park
Southern carmine bee-eater (merops nubicoides), Kruger National park
Southern carmine bee-eater (merops nubicoides), Kruger National park
Sabota lark (calendulauda sabota), Kruger National Park
Red-backed shrike (lanius collurio), Kruger National Park
Brown snake eagle (circaetus cinereus), Kruger National Park
Red-crested korhaan (lophotis ruficrista), Kruger National Park
Tawny eagle (rapax), Kruger National Park
Brown-headed parrot (pocephalus cryptoxanthus), Satara, Kruger National park
Burchell´s starling (lamprotornis australis), Kruger National park
Secretarybird (sagittarius serpentarius), Kruger National park
Wahlberg´s eagle (aquila wahlbergi), Kruger National park
Burchell´s coucal (centropus burchelli), Kruger National park
Laughing dove (streptopelia senegalensis), Kruger National Park
Bateleur (terathopius ecaudatus), Kruger National Park
Bateleur (terathopius ecaudatus), Kruger National Park
White-backed vulture (gyps africanus), Kruger National Park
Three-banded plover (charadrius tricollaris), Kruger National Park
African openbill (anastomus lamelligerus), Kruger National Park
African openbill (anastomus lamelligerus), Kruger National Park
Pin-tailed whydah (vidua macroura), Kruger National Park
Yellow-fronted canary (crithagra mozambica), Kruger National Park
Black-collared barbet (lybius torquatus) Kruger National Park
White-browed robin-chat (cossypha heuglini), Kruger National Park
African green pigeon (treron calvus) Kruger National Park
White-faced whistling duck (dendrocygna viduata), Kruger National Park
White-faced whistling duck (dendrocygna viduata), Kruger National Park
Pied kingfisher (ceryle rudis), Kruger National Park
Black crake (rallus caerulescens), Kruger National Park
Marabou stork (leptoptilos crumeniferus), Kruger National Park
Yellow-billed kite (milvus parasitus), Kruger National park
Hooded vulture (necrosyrtes monachus), Kruger National park
White-backed vulture (gyps africanus), Kruger National park
White-backed vulture (gyps africanus), Kruger National park
Brown-hooded kingfisher (halcyon albiventris), Kruger National park
Yellow-billed kite, juvenile (milvus parasitus), Kruger National park
White-headed vulture (tronoceps occipitalis), Lover Sabie, Kruger National park. A rare bird to see so we were excited.
Southern yellow-billed hornbill (tockus leucomelas), Kruger National park
Bennett´s woodpecker (campethera bennettii), Kruger National park
Wahlberg´s eagle (aquila wahlbergi), Kruger National park
Pink-backed pelican (pelecanus rufescens), St. Lucia
Yellow weaver (ploceus subaureus), St. Lucia
Pink-backed pelican, yellow-billed stork and grey-headed gull, St. Lucia
Woolly-necked stork (ciconia episcopus), St Lucia
Red-eyed dove (streptopelia semitorquata), St Lucia
Black-bellied bustard (lissotis melanogaster), St Lucia
Black-bellied bustard (lissotis melanogaster), St Lucia
Hadeda ibis (bostrychia hagedash), St. Lucia
Yellow-rumped tinkerbird (pogoniulus bilineatus), St Lucia
Livingstone´s turaco (tauraco schalowi), St Lucia
Collared sunbird (hedydipna collaris), St Lucia
Collared sunbird (hedydipna collaris), St Lucia
White-eared barbet (stactolaema leucotis), St Lucia
Golden-tailed woodpecker (campethera abingoni), St Lucia
Thick-billed weaver (amblyospiza albifrons) St Lucia
Black-bellied starling (notopholia corruscus), St Lucia
Crested guineafowl (guttera pucherani), St Lucia
Blue-cheeked bee-eater (merops persicus), St Lucia
Amur falcon (falco amurensis), St Lucia
Yellow-throated longclow (macronyx croceus), St Lucia
Croaking cisticola (cisticola natalensis), St Lucia
Croaking cisticola (cisticola natalensis), St Lucia
Olive sunbird (cyanomitra olivacea), St Lucia. Quite different from the illustration in SASOL
Olive sunbird (cyanomitra olivacea), St Lucia. Quite different from the illustration in SASOL
White-eared barbet (stactolaema leucotis), St Lucia
Trumpeter hornbill (bycanistes bucinator), St Lucia
African dusky flycatcher (muscicapa adusta), Eschowe
Lemon dove (apolopelia larvata), Eschowe
Red-backed mannikin (spermestes nigriceps) Eschowe
Green twinspot (mandingoa nitidula), Eschowe
Green twinspot (mandingoa nitidula), Eschowe
Trumpeter hornbill (bycanistes bucinator), Eschowe